DTC Newletter
You can download the latest DTC Newsletter, which covers all three DTC sites, here: DTC Newsletter Dec 2013
You can download the latest DTC Newsletter, which covers all three DTC sites, here: DTC Newsletter Dec 2013
An information sheet on the water quality of the Newby catchment in water year 2012 is now available. You can download…
Steph Dixon has completed her MSc by Research that looked at how to incorporate temporal issues associated with rural diffuse…
At the beginning of this year, the presence of a population of North American signal crayfish was confirmed in a…
The graph shows recent data from the monitoring site at the Thackthwaite Beck catchment outflow. This graph shows recent trends…
The first graph shows recent data from the monitoring site at the Pow Beck catchment outflow. The graph shows recent…
Will Cleasby from the EdenDTC project was on Farming Today. You can hear it on the BBC iPlayer or download the mp3 file.
Philippe Merot and Anne Monchy, from the French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA), visited the Eden catchment and Lancaster…
Monitoring agricultural diffuse pollution through a dense monitoring network in the River Eden Demonstration Test Catchment, Cumbria, UK G.J Owen*,…
Modelling the spatial pattern of flood sources and management implications for projected future inundation risks in north-west England