About Prof. Phil Haygarth
Who are you?
I am Phil Haygarth, a Professor at Soil and Water Science and I am Director at the Centre for Sustainable Water Management at Lancaster University.
What is you role in the project?
I am the project leader – tasked with coordinating these great opportunities across many disciplines and organisations.
What is your background?
I spent 15 years as a Research Scientist for a BBSRC Agriculture Institute at North Wyke in Devon. During this time I ‘cut my teeth’ on trying to understand diffuse pollution of water by agriculture (DWPA). I am best known for my contribution on phosphorus and also for starting off the DWPA ‘user manual’.
Where can I find more information about you?
I run a couple of blogs on http://www.catchmentchange.net/ and http://landwaterblog.blogspot.com/.
My Lancaster Environment Centre webpage is http://www.lec.lancs.ac.uk/contacts/staff/Phil_Haygarth
How do I contact you?
Prof Phil Haygarth
Centre for Sustainable Water Management
Lancaster Environment Centre
Lancaster University
Office: 01524 510224
Mobile: 07791 512177
Email: [email protected]